In December, our website had a total of 8.5K users who spent an average of 1 minute and 51 seconds engaging with our site.
Reports snapshot provides an overview of website traffic, including information about the total number of users, new users, and the average amount of time they spend engaging with our website.
We observed a slight decrease in traffic and average engagement time on our website in December compared to our six-month average. In December, there were 8.5K Users, with 8K of them being New users. The average engagement time for these Users was slightly below 2 minutes, which represents the total time they spent on the website divided by the number of Users.
You can see a comparison of December traffic with our six-month average traffic in the table below.
Analytics category | December 2022 | 6-Month Average | % Change |
Users | 8.5K | 8.6K | -1.2 |
New users | 8.0K | 8.4K | -4.8 |
Average engagement time | 1m 51s | 2m 02s | -9 |
The Demographics overview section of the Google Analytics 4 dashboard provides insights into the characteristics of our website’s users, such as their location (countries and cities), gender, and language.
The top five countries our Users were coming from in December are the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Canada, and Germany, with nearly 70% from the United States.
The top five cities where our Users live are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, and Atlanta.
The Traffic acquisition report shows how Users found our website.
Our top traffic sources in December were Organic Search, Direct, Organic Social, Email, and Referral.
The social media traffic report shows the number of people who visited our website by following links from various social media accounts.
In total, our website got 987 Users from social media. Here is a breakdown of social media traffic:
Here is a breakdown of the metrics that we are tracking for our Find Photographers page.
Analytics category | December 2022 | 3-month average | % change |
Users | 0.8K | 1.0K | -20.0 |
Views | 3.5K | 4.7K | -25.5 |
Views per user | 4.4 | 4.7 | -6.3 |
The holiday season has had an impact on our statistics for December. We saw a decrease in usage this month, with 836 people using our photographer search and averaging just over 4 page views per person. Keep in mind that one pageview could represent a single search or the user scrolling through multiple pages of search results (each page displays 25 search results).
The majority of users who searched for photographers were from the United States, making up over 60% of the total. Croatia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany were among the top countries where photographers were searched on.
The content on our blogs and static pages not only provides valuable information for our Users but also serves as searchable material that attracts visitors to our site. In total, our articles on the Published and Intel blogs were viewed 31K times. The views for other pages decreased by 8% from last month, totaling 81K views.
Analytics category | December 2022 | 3-month average | % change |
Published and Intel blog views | 31.0K | 33.6K | -7.7 |
Other pages views | 81.0K | 94.3K | -14 |
The top 5 articles on our website in December were:
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