Although many of your have interacted with Bill, Craig, the photo editors, and the publicists, there are other unsung employees of Wonderful Machine who work everyday to establish and maintain connections with the clients to whom we promote member photographer’s work. During COVID, they have not been able to make the numerous visits to potential clients in which they display the portfolios of member photographers, but they still been quite busy.
Our dedicated outreach team — consisting of Atiba, José, Mara, Monica, Maia, Sarah, Helen, and Will — have been adding new clients (companies and individuals) to our substantial database as well as updating existing 40,000 records. During the month of June this team added 106 companies and updated 1,994. The team also added 67 individual records and updated 3,023.
We submitted 12 stock requests to our members, from clients including AAA, Conde Nast, and others.
During the month of June we held a Zoom meeting on Racial Injustice and it was widely attended (including by trolls, unfortunately). We also continued our Creative in Place series with themes on Consumer Electronics and Outdoor/Adventure.
Christian Fleury said,
You guys at Wonderful machine have been doing an amazing job during the COVID situation. Many, many thanks. I particularly enjoyed the first meetings early into the confinement. I also really enjoyed the session where we discussed photographers’ websites.
An editor from Nature asked for recommendations for photographers in Amsterdam and hired Philip Jintes.
Craig Oppenheimer worked with Angelo Merendino on a licensing agreement for Susan G Komen. It was approved.
Check in with us again at the beginning of July for more news about forged connections and budding relationships.